Kim Gordon

Co-Published with Rizzoli

144 Pages
22 x 30 cm
Color Offset
First Edition 2010
ISBN 978-0-8478-3341-2

All Titles by Kim Gordon

Renowned for her work with the band Sonic Youth, Kim Gordon is also an accomplished painter and artist. The watercolors in this artist book are inspired by on-stage performances where the faces in the audience become a dreamy and ethereal blur of color. In all her work there is an energy and vibrancy—newspaper paintings, word paintings, and photographs become canvases for stains and slashes of color.

Collaborating with publisher Rizzoli, Nieves is proud to present Kim Gordon's Performing/Guzzling. With hands-on treatment from the artist herself from layout to design, this monograph contains a series of her watercolors, mixed-media collages and personal lyrics. Reflections about Gordon and her work from artist Jutta Koether and writer Hilton Als add to the personal tone of the book. The first printing of Performing/Guzzling contains each a signed print by Kim Gordon ensuring that this volume will be coveted by art lovers, artist book collectors and fans of her music alike.

Performing/Guzzling is the first in a series of books by Nieves and Rizzoli that consists of books by artists, photographers, and designers who have substantially contributed to the texture of artistic culture. Each project will be an extension of the artist’s portfolio.

With signed print by Kim Gordon