Jessica Williams

Available on Apple Books

20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2012
100 Copies


Diary is a collection of lush abstract ink compositions that meditate on being, internal space, and traveling. With only a brush, water, and India ink, Jessica Williams articulates this through her malleable shapes, deep blacks and heavy, wet gestures. It is as if each drawing is an attempt to clear the mind of each and evey thought until only a singular smooth surface remains. All of the drawings were made over a number of months in the artist's Oslo studio in calm periods between a rigurous schedule of traveling both within Norway and outside in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Jessica Williams is an American artist currently based in Oslo, Norway. From 2001-2011 she maintained paperheart.org, which functioned somewhere between a personal website, a sketchbook, and an experimental portfolio. Over those ten years she self-published a handful of zines and had her work included in exhibitions all over the world. Since 2011 she has run a small press called NSEW (North, South, East, West) and the Self-Publishing Workshop at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts.