My Heart Also Has Preference
Jen Uman

Available on Apple Books

20 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2012
150 Copies

My Heart Also Has Preference is a selection of drawings where artist Jen Uman's personal experiences merge with Indian cinema, Middle Eastern culture, and infatuations. The result is 20 carnal, soft, and unfamiliar pages made with gouache, a pen and markers.

Jennifer Uman lives in New York. She has a cat named Chavo and another cat that everyone always forget about. From the day I met her outside the W4th subway station, my life changed and turned orange & purple. Seriously. Her life, style and influences are perfectly summed up in her work. She’s a self-taught painter and she tells stories of people, call centers, iranian superstars, sexy karaoke and free soup. Even Wes Anderson has a piece of her art hanging in his home.