Ingo Giezendanner

Available on Apple Books

16 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2004
100 Copies

All Titles by Ingo Giezendanner

Since 1998, Ingo Giezendanner, alias GRRRR, has been documenting the urban spaces in which he has travelled and lived. Apart from his native city of Zurich, his travels have taken him to diverse cities from New York and New Orleans to Cairo, Nairobi, Karachi and Colombo. Everywhere he travels, he captures his surroundings on location with pen on paper. His drawings have been presented in numerous magazines, books and animated films as well as in spacious installations and wallpaintings. GRRRR has been presenting his work continuously in a series of publications. The first is the self-published booklet “GRR1: video”, which appeared in 1998.