Shared Worlds
Penny Davenport

Available on Apple Books

24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2020
100 Copies

Born In Scotland 1979, Penny Davenport grew up in the north and south of the UK before moving to Liverpool in 1999 to study Fine Art.

The drawings by Penny Davenport are mostly populated by familiar creatures in a world of their own. They’re usually in small groups and have an ambiguity which may invite interpretation or indifference. They are always alive and always complicated in the most human ways; if a hand is resting on a shoulder are they giving comfort or taking liberties? Penny Davenport's drawings are ongoing and unplanned and even when complete the situations are perpetual and unresolved. They could be described as having belonged to a lost narrative, like a found photograph, just a glimpse into a story whose beginning and end we will never know.