Peter Wezel

Available on Amazon Kindle
Available on Apple Books

32 Pages
19.5 x 25.5 cm
Color Offset
First Edition 2017
ISBN 978-3-905999-66-2

Peter Wezel’s plain and simple tale starts when a pink bird flies by a house, spotting a bright orange fish inside a fishbowl. It is cross-species love at first sight when he leaves and returns with the gift of a worm for this apparently lonely and hungry aquatic creature. Wezel’s bright crayon colors and modest sketches are rendered with a deliberate childlike naiveté. Nepomuk is a good choice for children and adults alike in need of a story about kindness, sharing, and friendship.

Books without words – it almost sounds like a paradox. But there is no contradicition in the minds of those who have experienced the wonder of stories that spring from a sequence of images rather than a sequence of words. Wonderfully Wordless: The 500 Most Recommended Graphic Novels and Picture Books by William Patrick Martin