Benjamin Sommerhalder

German Edition
Published by Diogenes

24 Pages
19.5 x 25.5 cm
Hardcover / Linen / Dust Jacket
Color Offset
First Edition 2014
ISBN 978-3-257-01170-8

All Titles by Benjamin Sommerhalder

Whether you are a child or an adult – anyone who loves books will love Knigi. Ghosts do not celebrate their birthdays, but ›birthnights‹. When little ghost Knigi gets to the age when human children learn to read, its aunt gifts Knigi a book on its birthnight. But something is wrong with the book, for it is completely empty and the pages are white. Knigi decides to get to the bottom of the matter, to find out how reading works. And Knigi ends up getting the surprise of its life. Knigi discovers the adventures and happiness that reading can bring.

Benjamin Sommerhalder studied graphic design at the Zurich University of the Arts. In 2001 he co-founded the publishing company Nieves, which publishes art books and zines for an international readership. As a publisher and designer, he has been awarded with many prizes. Knigi is his first book as an author and illustrator. Benjamin Sommerhalder lives and works in Zurich.

Also Published 
in English by Nieves (Sold Out)
in French by Cambourakis
in Korean by Totobook
in Chinese (Simplified) by Duku
in Chinese (Traditional) by Little Bear
in Persian by Neyestan