Solomon Islands & Vanuatu
Stefan Marx

Available on Apple Books

24 Pages
14 x 20 cm
b/w Photocopy
First Edition 2013
100 Copies

All Titles by Stefan Marx

Travelling to the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu in Summer 2013, Stefan Marx compiled a selection of drawings and notes in this zine. It takes the travel drawing publication series at Nieves further to an islands only zine. Fascinated by the surrounding landscapes, the drawings were made with a slow island time stroke, capturing clouds and weather situations as well as rain forest walks and lonely island impressions. Many drawings were made on Tetepare, an island in the western province of Somomon Islands as well as on the island Tanna with its famous active volcano Mount Yasur. Solomon Islands & Vanuatu is the 10th travel drawings zine Stefan Marx is publishing with Nieves.