Hop Step Jump
Keiichi Tanaami

Available on Apple Books

Co-Published with CaRTe bLaNChe

32 Pages
19.5 x 25.5 cm
Color Offset
First Edition 2011
ISBN 978-3-905999-02-0

Titles by Keiichi Tanaami
Tears of Dreams
Pleasure of Picasso


Hop Step Jump brings together portraits of colorful, eccentric figures that interpret "Life and Hereafter", essential truth and source of inspiration to Keiichi Tanaami. Tanaami's vivid and highly surreal drawings are often considered psychedelic. However, a closer look reveals that his drawings go far beyond psychedelic trops. They have their roots in his tense personal recollections: memories, dreams and nightmares.

Keiichi Tanaami maintained a successful career as an illustrator and a graphic designer throughout the 1960s and early ‘70s, and was appointed as the first artistic director of the Japanese edition of Playboy in 1975. With an infinite artistic appetite, Tanaami continues working across all boundaries, embracing painting, sculpture, performance and film, as well as a professor on the Faculty of Information Design at the Kyoto University of Art and Design in Japan.